The project area

① Section Leopoldau to Floridsdorf
At the Vienna Leopoldau and Vienna Siemensstraße railway stations, new turning facilities are being built to ensure smooth rail operations. In Floridsdorf, our trains will get a new stabling facility, hence providing them with additional accommodation before their next operational use. The former Strandbäder station will be removed.
Construction period: 2023 to 2025
② Vienna Handelskai
At Vienna Handelskai, platforms are being extended so that longer trains can stop at the station in future. For this purpose, the S-Bahn supporting structure will be widened and additional exits with lifts will be built in the Engerthstraße area. In the course of the modernisation measures, the Maria Restituta Square will also be redesigned. The detailed planning of the square design is being developed in close coordination with the project partners.
Construction period: 2023 to 2026
③ Vienna Traisengasse
At the Vienna Traisengasse station, platforms are being extended to allow longer trains to stop in future. In the course of the construction work, the station exit at Donaueschingenstraße will also be moved to the other side of the street. This has the advantage that the exit from the station will then be closer to the Lorenz-Böhler Trauma Centre.
Construction period: 2023 to 2026
④ Vienna Praterstern northern terminal
At the northern terminal of the Praterstern station, the track facilities will be optimised over a length of approximately 1.5 kilometres, a platform will be extended and a turning facility will be built in order to meet the future requirements of rail traffic.
Planned implementation period: 2024 to 2026
Main construction measures during the summer months.

⑤ Section Vienna Praterstern to Vienna Mitte
The existing viaduct arches in Vienna's 2nd district, between the Danube canal and Praterstern, will be removed due to their age-related structural condition and replaced by new bridges. Future possible usage for the space under the bridges will be worked out together with the project partners.
The Danube canal bridge and the viaducts in the 3rd district to Wien Mitte will be refurbished.
Planned implementation period: 2025 to 2027
⑥ Great Hungarian Bridge
The Great Hungarian bridge has reached the end of its life cycle. It was built about 60 years ago. Now it is being removed and rebuilt in the same location with the same area dimensions. The traffic organisation on the new bridge will be adapted to future needs.
Planned implementation period: 2026 to 2027

⑦ Section Vienna Centre to Rennweg
The incision walls, starting from the " Great Hungarian bridge" to the Vienna Rennweg station, are reaching the end of their technical lifespan and therefore need to be renewed. At the level of the railway tracks, the width of the incision wall will be adapted to state-of-the-art technology. This will ensure modern, reliable and low-maintenance rail operations in the long term. In this process, the covering structure in front of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the Neuling bridge will also be rebuilt.
Planned implementation period:
Preparatory work 2024 to 2025
Main construction work 2025 to 2027
⑧ Vienna Rennweg station
At Rennweg station, the platform will be extended from 160 metres to 220 metres in order to be able to run new, modern and longer local trains. The access points and the retaining walls will be adapted according to the platform extension. The pedestrian ramp in the Rechte Bahngasse will be replaced by a lift and stairs.
Planned implementation period: 2025 to 2027

⑨ Vienna Quartier Belvedere station
At the Quartier Belvedere station, the platforms will be extended from 160 metres to 220 metres in order to be able to run new, modern and longer local trains. The platform edge will be raised to a barrier-free level. A second platform access with stairs and lifts will also be built in the Schweizergarten area.
Planned implementation period: 2025 to 2027
⑩ Section Vienna Main Station to Meidling
In the area between Vienna Main station and Vienna Meidling station, the track facilities are being optimised over a length of approximately 1.5 kilometres in order to meet the future requirements of rail traffic.
Planned implementation period: 2025 to 2027